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Governors - Link Artful Dodger Deficit Hawks
In spite of a situation that demands more government stimulus to boost the economy, deficit hawks in Congress are now demanding cuts in spending to reduce the size of the deficit. This effort will slow growth and throw people out of work. These deficit hawks are doing much harm to workers and their families. - Link
Members of Congress are doing damage to the country with their pursuit of deficit reduction in the middle of the worst downturn in 70 years. This push for deficit reduction does harm to the economy and costs more jobs than 1,000 Bridges to Nowhere.
Members of Congress are doing damage to the country with their pursuit of deficit reduction in the middle of the worst downturn in 70 years. This push for deficit reduction does harm to the economy and costs more jobs than 1,000 Bridges to Nowhere.
Opportunists Exploit A Crisis: Shock Doctrine Politicians
Why do so many nations have economic policies more laissezfaire and social programs less generous than their citizens prefer? In her explosive counterhistory of global capitalism, Naomi Klein argues that the answer lies in a simple two-step strategy, honed over three decades by an international cabal of freemarket fundamentalists: First, exploit crises—whether due to economics, politics, or natural disasters––to advance an agenda that would never survive the democratic process during ordinary times. Next, create a “corporatocracy,” in which multinationals and political leaders align to promote their interests at the public’s expense. - Link

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WI - Scott Walker -Wiki
FL - Rick Scott -Wiki
ME - Paul LePage -Wiki
PA - Tom Corbett -Wiki
TX - Rick Perry -Wiki
AZ - Jan Brewer -Wiki
OH - John Kasich -Wiki
MI - Rick Snyder -Wiki
1. Scott Walker, Wisconsin 2. Chris Christie, New Jersey 3. Rick Snyder, Michigan 4. Rick Scott, Florida 5. John Kasich, Ohio 6. Rick Perry, Texas 7. Paul LePage, Maine 8. Jan Brewer, Arizona 9. Nikki Haley, South Carolina 10. Robert Bentley, Alabama
Libertarian/GOP Class Warfare - Link 1
VIDEO Link : The Koch Brothers
Floridians Are Maybe Starting To Understand Their Governor Is A Grifter - Link
"lt's not like, 'Gee, does this mean I have to skip a vacation this year?'" said Amy Van Bergen, executive director of the Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida. "Potentially, these cuts have life and death implications for these people." Link
GOP Govs. Walker, Kasich, Snyder Plead Poverty but Reward Wealthy - Link
The Republicans complain about the pension and healthcare benefits that employees of financially hard pressed states receive. But crying poverty doesn’t stop the GOP governors from giving big tax breaks to the billionaires and bankers who bankrolled their big budget campaigns.
South Dakota Democrats started a petition effort aimed at forcing a statewide public vote on Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard's program to continue giving refunds on construction taxes to large industrial projects.
"This issue isn't whether or not corporate welfare works or whether or not we should fund it. The issue is should we take money away from the general fund which could otherwise go to schools and nursing homes in order to subsidize this," Nesselhuf said. - Link
With a net worth of $43 billion the Kochs have already spent decades of their lives and over $324 million of their wealth exerting their influence.
The Kochs accomplish their goals by funding a massive array of right wing front groups, think tanks and tea party efforts. They largely operate outside of the public eye, and target their funding to infiltrate public opinion, the media, judicial decisions and legislation. Over three dozen organizations are funded by the brothers, and they spend additional money lobbying and backing political candidates.
The Kochs accomplish their goals by funding a massive array of right wing front groups, think tanks and tea party efforts. They largely operate outside of the public eye, and target their funding to infiltrate public opinion, the media, judicial decisions and legislation. Over three dozen organizations are funded by the brothers, and they spend additional money lobbying and backing political candidates.
VIDEO Link : The Koch Brothers
- Oil spills: Koch Industries, Inc. was fined $30 million in 2000 to resolve claims related to 300 oil spills across America
- Anti-worker: The Kochs have spent more than $34 million to fund groups and individuals that work against workers rights, including WI Gov. Walker
- Anti-healthcare: The Kochs financed the Tea Party's fight against health care reform with over $5 million in funding to Americans for Prosperity
- Anti-immigration: The Kochs have given $468,000 to ALEC, a group responsible for anti-immigration bills such as SB1070
- Foreclosures: The Kochs fund The Reason Foundation and the Mercatus Center, think tanks that support continued foreclosures on working people's homes
Floridians Are Maybe Starting To Understand Their Governor Is A Grifter - Link
Florida Gov. Rick Scott ordered deep cuts Thursday to programs that serve tens of thousands of residents with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism and other developmental disabilities.
Though a range of state services face cuts from this year's Legislature, the governor invoked his emergency powers to order the state Agency for Persons with Disabilities to immediately roll back payments to group homes and social workers by 15 percent — an amount providers say could put them out of business and threaten their clients' safety.
GOP Govs. Walker, Kasich, Snyder Plead Poverty but Reward Wealthy - Link
The Republicans complain about the pension and healthcare benefits that employees of financially hard pressed states receive. But crying poverty doesn’t stop the GOP governors from giving big tax breaks to the billionaires and bankers who bankrolled their big budget campaigns.
South Dakota Democrats started a petition effort aimed at forcing a statewide public vote on Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard's program to continue giving refunds on construction taxes to large industrial projects.
"This issue isn't whether or not corporate welfare works or whether or not we should fund it. The issue is should we take money away from the general fund which could otherwise go to schools and nursing homes in order to subsidize this," Nesselhuf said. - Link
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